
Meeting Minutes, 1863


Creator: Offices of Board of Trustees and President
Subjects: Administration, Board of Trustees, BOT Minute Books
Date: 1863
Format: Text/pdf
Original Format: Paper, microfilm
Resource Identifier: MINUTES 1863.pdf
Collection Number: UA 1
Language: English
Rights Management: Educational use only, no other permissions given. Copyright to this resource is held by Michigan State University and is provided here for educational purposes only. It may not be reproduced or distributed in any format without written permission of the University Archives & Historical Collections, Michigan State University.
Contributing Institution: Offices of Board of Trustees and President; University Archives & Historical Collections; MATRIX
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Transcript: Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes - 1863

[Begin page 102]

State Agricultural College Lansing Jan. 27. 1863
State Board met as per Adjournment at the last meeting
and a quorum not being present adjourned until tomorrow

Wednesday Jan 28. 1863
Board met and there were present H.G. Wells
J. Gage A.C. Prutzman C. Rich and President of the College
T.C. Abbott it being a quorum of the Board, proceeded to
business Mr Wells acting as President of the Board.
On Motion Mr Rich was appointed Secretary pro-
tem - The proceedings of the last meeting were read & approved _
[L.R. Fisk
A communication was Submitted to the Board
from Prof Fisk tendering his resignation as Prof of Agricultural
Chemistry to take effect on the 19th day of February next, and
requesting the privilege of remaining in the house he now
occupies until the 1st of April next.
The communication from Prof. Fisk was con-
sidered by the Board and the following resolutions were
adopted –
Resolved By the Board That the resignation of
Prof L.R. Fisk be accepted to take effect immediately, and
that his connection with the State Agricultural College as
prof of Agricultural Chemistry cease from this date.
Resolved That this Board cannot consistently
allow Prof. Fisk the privilege of renting the house he now
occupies any considerable lengh of time, but that he be requested
to vacate the Same within fifteen days or sooner if he
can conveniently do so.

[End page 102]

[Begin page 103]

The resignation of Dr. George Thurber having been
tendered to the Board the following resolution Submitted
by Mr Gage was adopted _
Resolved that the resignation of Dr. George
Thurber be accepted by this Board, and that in doing so
we extend to him the expression of our appreciation of his
many generous and [manly?] qualities and high attainments
in the profession of his choice _
The Board then adjourned until to morrow at
9 O'clock A.M.

Thursday Jan 29, 1863 at 9 Oclock A.M.
Board met, and there were present the same as yesterday
and also Mr Carpenter _

The following resolutions after having been duly considered
by the Board were adopted
Resolved _ That C.A. Kenaston be continued as
teacher of the preparatory department of this Agricultural College
and that his Salary be at the rate of Six hundred dollars
per annum during the pleasure of the Board to commence
on the last wednesday of February 1863.
Resolved _ That C A Kenaston be authorized
to finish off the house he now occupies in an economical
manner and that the expense incured be offset against any
cent which may be due from him for occupying the same.

Resolved _ That Oscar Clute be employed as teacher
of Mathematics in the Agricultural college at the rate of Six
hundred dollars per annum during the pleasure of the Board
to commence on the last wednesday of February nex 1863.

Resolved _ That A.N. Prentiss be employed as teacher
of Botany & Horticulture in the State Agricultural college and
to have charge of the Horticultural department of Said College
at the rate of Six hundred dollars per annum during the
pleasure of the Board to commence on the last wednesday
of February 1863.
Resolved That Dr K.C. Kedzie be employed
as professor of Agricultural Chemistry and the department
of instruction connected therewith at the rate of one
thousand dollars per annum during the pleasure of the
Board to commence on the last wednesday of February 1863.

[End page 103]

[Begin page 104]

Resolved that until further ordered J.S. Tibbits be
continued as farm manager and to have charge of the
Boarding Hall, and that he be authorized to employ some
suitable person to perform the duties of Steward, and such
other help as Shall be needed to conduct the boarding hall in
an appropriate and economical manner.
Per motion the Board adjourned to meet at the
[Benton?] House in the village of Lansing at 7 Oclock
this evening
Chas Rich
Secretary Pro tem
Board met as per adjournment and adjourned to
meet at the Agricultural College the 25th February.
T.C. Abbot Secretary.

State Agricultural College Mich
Feb. 25. 1863
No Quorum of members present: adjourned until
tomorrow T.C. Abbot Sec
Feb. 26 1863
Board met. present Messrs Wells, Carpenter, Gage
Prutzman and Abbot. Mr Wells acted as President
of the Board.
Resolved that the Farm Superintendent be required
to cause the piece of timber South of the old slashing,
when wood was obtained last Spring to be cleared off
to the South line of the present farm improvements;
and have the same together with the meadow adjoin
ing out into wheat next autumn.
Resolved that a warrant be drawn in favor of J.S.
Tibbits. Supt., for the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, on
account of money advanced him by L.G. Berry, Treas.,
for which credit was given in the account of Mr. Tibbits
and allowed this day by the Board.
The following accounts were allowed.
To . Justus Gage $41.10 (Warrant No 110)
. A.G. :Prutzman 37.65 ( " " 111)
. D. Carpenter 32.15 ( " " 112)
. H.G. Wells 23.75 ( " " 113) . J.S. Tibbits 66.23 ( " " 114)
. T.C. Abbot 65.07 ( " " 115) . " " 29.73 ( " " 116)
W. Tibbits, a few Resolutions above 200.00 ( " " 117)

[End page 104]

[Begin page 105]

Resolved that G.A. Kenaston be employed
the direction of the State Board of Agriculture. To act as
Secretary of the Board. for the time being at the rate
of Fifty Dollars per annum, as compensation; - [illegible in original]
and that he enter upon the duties of the Office tomorrow
the 27th of February 1863.
The Board then adjourned to meet
T.C. Abbot
Acting Secretary of the Board

State Agricultural College Mich.
May 28th 1863
The Regular meeting of the State Board of Agriculture
was called to order at 8 o'clock a.m. There were present
Messrs Wells, Gage, Rich, Prutzman, Carpenter, Welch, and [illegible in original]
Abbot. Judge Wells voted as chairman of the Board.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and ap-
The following Resolutions were adopted.
[Vice President]
Resolved. That a Vice President of this Body shall be
appointed by this Board, who shall in the absence of the Pres-
ident be the presiding officer of the Board and exercise all the
functions of President during the interim of the Rural meet-
ings, up to the first meeting of the Board held in the year 1865.
H.G. Wells Esq was in accordance with the above Res-
olution, unanimously elected Vice President of the Board.
Resolved that it shall be the duty of the acting Pres-
ident of the ^ Board of Agriculture to call a special meeting of the
Board, on the request of any four members of the Board,
provided, that at least 10 days previous to said meeting notice
of such meeting shall be mailed to the respective address of
each member by the President of the Board, or the President
or the Secretary of the College.
[Com. on Employees]
It was voted that A.S. Welch and Justus Gage
be the standing committee on College Officers and Employees.
[Com. on Afc]
Also That A.C. Prutzman be disconnected from the com=
mittee on Officers and Employees of the College and placed
permanently on the committee on accounts.
[Farm Instruction]
The President of the College read the Facultys Report
on the connection of the Farm and Garden to the Instruction of
the College; and after being read ^ was on motion accepted
by the Board. On motion of Mr Welsh, the Report was referred

[End page 105]

[Begin page 106]

to a special committee one of which should be the President of
the Board. Messrs Welch and Gage were appointed, by the President
as the other members of the committee.
The President of the College also read the Report of Dr Kedzie
on the "[Preparation?] and Preservation of Manners." On motion the
same was accepted by the Board and referred to a committee
composed of Messrs Carpenter, Prutzman and Rich.
A Report was also read relating to the ventilation of
the Barn: it was accepted by the Board.
The Board took a recess for dinner.
Mr Carpenter, Chairman of the Special committee to
which was referred the Faculty Report on Manners, reported
recommending the erection of a compost shed, the plans
and specifications for which shall be presented at a future
Professor Welch reported, from the Special committee
on Labor and Instruction, as follows
"The committee to whom was referred the Report of the
Faculty on the Relations of the Farm and Garden to the
Instruction of the College, report the same back to the
Board and recommend the adoption of the following Reso=
"Resolved that the Report be adopted as constituting
the Rules by which the Faculty shall be guided in the various
departments which it embraces, and that the Board pro-
ceed to make a division of the labor of the Students as
provided in Rule 17 of the Report.
"Resolved. That the Faculty be instructed to report
to the Board at their next regular meeting, on the value
of these rules as tested by their practical workings."
This Report was, on motion of Mr Rich accepted.
On motion the Faculty report, with the above Resolutions
was adopted. ---------
[Lending teams]
Resolved That the teams belonging to the State
Agricultural College should not be loaned or hired to
the Students for their private or individual use, under any
circumstances, except by express permission of the President,
and then only for special and necessary reasons.
[Plans Submitted
to Bd. of Ag.]
Resolved, That all plans, adopted by the
Faculty, based on reports from the Farm manager,
the Horticulturalist and other officers of the College,
for the conduct of the several departments of the
College during the years shall be submitted to the
consideration of this Board at their first regular

[End page 106]

[Begin page 107]

meeting in each and every School year.
The Faculty report on the Subject of organizing a mil=
itary Department in connection with the College was accepted and
[Horse Wagon]
Resolved That the Farm Superintendent be author
ized and required to procure a good, substantial one-
horse market and common business wagon for the use of the
State Agricultural College.
[Map & Reports]
The map of the Farm made in accordance with the
Faculty Report on the connection of the Farm and Garden
to the Instruction of the College; and also the Reports of the
Superintendents of the Farm and Garden on a plan of operations
for each was adopted.
[Auditing afcs]
Resolved, That the President of the College be added
to the committee on accounts, and that he be requested to
obtain from officers and Employees of the College, their personal
accounts and vouchers in advance for audit at the regular
meetings of the Board.
The Board adjourned until tomorrow at 7 o.c A.M.
State Agricultural Collge Mich
May 29th 1863 7 o.c A.M.
Board met as per adjournment: present Messrs Wells,
Carpenter, Rich, Gage, Prutzman, Abbot, and Welsh.
The Committee to whom was referred the matter of an
Order of Business for Board meetings presented the following
Report, which on motion of Mr Carpenter was accepted and
adopted; ------ as follows.
[Order of
"Resolved That the following order of Business be
adopted by the Board for regular meetings.
Reading of the Minutes of the last meeting.
Unfinished business.
Reports and Communications.
2ond Reports of Special Committees.
3rd Reports and Communications from the President and

[End page 107]

[Begin page 108]

1st On matters reported by Standing Committees _ in
the following order.
On Accounts,
On College Property,
On Employees.
2nd On matters reported by Special Committees.
3rd On matters reported or communicated by the
President and Faculty –
Miscellaneous Business
[Boarding Hall
Resolved That the use of one horse from the barn
assigned to the garden with the one-horse wagon be assign
ed to the manager of the Boarding Hall on the afternoon
of Tuesday and the forenoons of Thursday and Satur=
day of Each week.
The Board took a recess until 2 o.clock.
[Repairs &
Resolved That Mr Tibbits be directed to procure such
materials as shall be necessary to put Room No 22 of the
Boarding Hall, in good condition for the occupancy
of the manager of the Hall and his family; to run
a partition across said room, and procure such work=
men as may be necessary to make the proposed repairs;
to procure such furniture. belonging to the College as shall
be needed for said family, as follows: one Set of chairs
and one Stand; to procure a suitable carpet for the
room, and to have the whole completed as soon as may
Resolved That we accept for the State Agricultural
College the valuable Herbarium presented by Mrs
Clarrissa Babbit of Washington Macomb County, and
tender her our thanks for the Same.
Resolved. That the collection be preserved sufficiently
separate from other Specimens in Botany, to be identified
as one collection, and that it receive from its author
the late Dennis Cooley MD. the name of the Cooley
Collection .
Resolved That the President of the College be
requested to transmit these Resolutions to Mrs Babbit,
with an expression of our high appreciation of the value
of the services rendered by her late husband Dr Cooley,
to the Science of Botany, and of his enthusiasm, ability,
and life-long efforts to promote a knowledge of it.

Resolved. That Two Thosand Dollars be

[End page 108]

[Begin page 109]

drawn from the State Treasury into the hands of the
Treasurer of the College to be held under the control of the
[Herd Book]
Resolved. That Dr Miles be authorized to purchase
for the Agricultural College the "American Devon and Short=
Horn Herd Book."
Resolved That H.G. Wells, T.D. Carpenter, and
Dr Kedzie be a committee to procure from the Governor of
the State, or the proper authorities, a supply of arms and
other things needed in carrying out the plans for Military
Drill, encampments, instruction etc adopted by the Board.
[Steward's Accts]
Resolved that the President of the College be directed
to draw such sums of money into the hands of the Stewards
as shall be necessary for the performance of the Steward's duties;
and that the Steward be required to render account to the
President, with vouchers therefore, at the close of each month, or
whenever the President shall require.
[Rent $120.]
The Resolution "That the rents of the Professor's dwelling
houses, including that occupied by Mr Kenaston, so soon as
it shall be finished, be from the 1st of January 1863 and
until otherwise ordered, at the rate of One Hundred Dollars
Each per annum," was on motion of Mr Prutzman amended
by striking out One Hundred and inserting "One Hundred and
Twenty". The Resolution as amended was then adopted.
Resolved That a warranty be drawn for the repayment
to Mr Berry of money advanced by him to Mr Tibbits, Supt
as per the account of the latter allowed at this meeting of the
[Hired man]
Resolved that Mr. Prentiss be authorized to hire one
man to work in the Garden under his direction, at a rate
not to exceed the rate paid per month to excellent farmhands.
[Crippen Heifer]
Resolved That we accept the Short Horn heifer, presen=
ted to the State of Agricultural College by J.B. Crippen Esq
and return our hearty thanks for the valuable donation.
[Dwelling Addtn.]
Resolved That President T.C. Abbot be authorized to
erect a wood addition to the dwelling house now occupied by
him, 12 by 24 feet on the ground, one story high, placing
the same on a good stone foundation – the addition to be
used by him for a Kitchen and woodshed.
[Kedzie, Extra]
Resolved That a warrant be drawn in favor of Dr R.
C. Kedzie, in the sum of $73.30 for extra services performed by
him previous to the commencement of the present term.
[Tibbits Salary]
Resolved That the salary of J.S. Tibbits as Farm Super=
intendent, be from this date at the rate of One Thousand Dollars per

[End page 109]

[Begin page 110]

year, during the pleasure of the Board; and that he be
charged for board of himself and wife at the rate of
$2. per week each, his two children being rated as one
person and also charged for board at the same rate.
[Blooded Cattle]
Resolved That H.G. Wells, A.S. Welch and Manly
Miles be a committee on the purchase of blooded stock
for the use of the College; and that they be directed to
purchase the following Kinds of Stock: One Devon bull
from one to four years old and Two Devon heifers, from
two to four years old: also One Improved Short Horn
bull from one to four years old and Two heifers from two
to four years old: also One Ayrshire bull from one
to four years old and one heifer from two to four
years old: also that they solicit donations of similar
or other stock, from stock breeders; and that they
take measures to transmit such stock to the college
at their earliest convenience.
Resolved That Mr Fitz. A. Stebbins be employed to take charge
of the Boarding Hall, during the pleasure of the Board at the rate
of $500. per annum, from the 28th day of April 1863, and the
board of himself and family; and that he have entire control
of the Boarding Hall, its rooms and its appertenances, with the
exception of Rooms No 23, and No 25, which are assigned to the Farm
manager for the use of himself and family, from this date.
It is also ordered that Mr Tibbits have such use of the parlor and
room No 11, in common with the manager of the Boarding Hall,
as shall, from time to time be needed for the reception of such
company as may call on him on business connected with the
Farm or the College.
[Labor 2/3 Farm
1/3 Garden]
Resolved That the daily labor of two thirds part of the
Students, not employed by direction of the Faculty on Special
duties, be performed under the direction of the Superintendent
of the Farm, and the remaining one third, under the direc=
tion of the Superintendent of the Garden.
The account of J.S. Tibbits. Superintendent of the
Farm was audited and the balance in favor of the College, $72.33
was ordered carried to new account.
The following bills against the college were allowed. warrant
R.E. Kedzie A $ 90.43 (138)
A.W. Prentice B $ 31.93 (137)
M. Miles C $ 29.69 (136)
" " D $ 28.00 (135)
F.A. Stebbins E $ 65.15 (140)
' Chas Rich F $ 31.50 (130)

[End page 110]

[Begin page 111]

. A.G. Prutzman G $ 51.30 (132)
. Justus Gage H $ 58.30 (131)
. H.G. Wells I $ 45.00 (134)
. A.S. Welch J $ 15.00 (133)
. D. Carpenter K $ 45.95 (129)
R.E. Kedzie as per Resolution $ 70.30 (139)
Adjournment at 6 o.c. P.M.
G.A. Kenaston
Acting Secretary.

Jackson Michigan July 2, 1863
A Special meeting was held, at the Marion
House. Jackson. this afternoon. Present Messrs
Wells, Carpenter, Gage, Prutzman, Welch, and Abbot.
Mr. Abbot was made Secretary protempore. The three
following Resolutions were then passed
Resolved that President Abbot be authorized to
accept the resignation of J.S. Tibbits as Superintendent
of the Farm in the Agricultural College.
Resolved that President Abbot be authorized to
supply the vacancy which will be made by the resigna-
ion of J.S. Tibbits in any which his judgment shall
approve, until the further pleasure of the Board.
[Blooded Cattle
Resolved that a warrant for the sum of Twelve
Hundred and fifty dollars be drawn on the Treasurer
in favor of D.M. Miles, to be expended by him under the
direction of the Committee appointed for the purchase of
blooded stock for the College.
The records of the meetings of the Session of the Board
in May last were read and approved
Adjourned T.C. Abbot
Secy. Pro tempore

[End page 111]

[Begin pge 112]

Agricultural College [Merch?]
11o'c A.M. August 26th 1863
Regular meeting of the State Board of Agriculture:
present Messrs. Wells, Rich, Carpenter, Welch, Gage and
Abbot. The minutes of the last meeting were read
and approved.
Afternoon Session. 2 o'c. P.M.
Mr Gage absent from illness –
The Committee on Accounts, presented the follow-
ing, which were allowed:
Bills against the College;
Oscar Clute, $ 10.42
R.C. Kedzie, $ 7.00
Fairbanks & cr. $ 150.00 (168)
C.A. Kenaston. $ 113.76 (165)
Grove & Whitney. $ 43.49 (164)
In favor of the College;
A.W. Prentiss.- $ 7.99
The issueing of warrants, No's 118, 126, 127, 128, 140, 143, 145,
156, 159, 142, 152, 153, 154, 158 and 162, by the President
and Secretary, was approved by the Board.
The following bills of expenses of attending the meetings
of the Board were allowed. viz,
. Justus Gage, $ 40.00 166
. D. Carpenter, $ 8.00 166
. H.G. Wells; $ 48.30 166
Also allowed afc M. Miles, $ 20.80 (167.)
The following Reports were presented:-
On Stock purchase, as follows;
[Blooded Cattle]
"The Committee on the purchase of thorough-
bred-Stock would report that according to the instructions
of the Board, they have bought the following animals
at prices as per bill.
One Short Horn Bull Two Years old; one
short Horn Cow five years old; one Short Horn Year-
ling Heifer.
One two year old Devon Bull: one Devon
Heifer two years old; one yearling Devon Heifer.
The cost of all of which, with expense of transportation
and traveling as per bill, amounts to $ 1224.45
The accounts and vouchers for the expenditures
referred to are herewith submitted". $1224.
Report accepted and adopted.

[End page 112]

[Begin page 113]

On Employees, as follows;
[Noble- Farmer]
"The Committee on Employees would report that
they have employed Mr C.A. Noble to take temporary
charge of the Farm, under the direction of the President
of the College at the rate of $ 25. per month"
On the subject of Arms etc for Military Dept as follows:
"The Committee to whom authority was given to confer
with Governor Blair or the proper Military authorities for
the purpose of obtaining a Supply of arms and other things
necessary in [camping?] out the plans for Military Drilll,
encampments, instruction etc, would report that they have
had an interview with the Governor upon the subject and
have had from him assurances that he will make an
effort to furnish the College, whatever arms and military
furnishing may be necessary in connection with the
system of military instruction to be adopted by the Board;
The Committee propose, with the assent of the Board, to
give this subject further consideration and trust to be able
to report at an early day, that the object of their appoint-
ment has been fully accomplished." –
The President presented the Faculty report on a
plan of operations on the Grounds and Gardens for the
fall of the present year of 1863, which was accepted.
It was made the basis of the following resolution:-
"Resolved – that the President and Faculty be author-
ized to take the necessary measures for removing the
road now running in front of the Professors' Houses and
for laying a road commencing at a point on the
middle town road at or near the first on West angle in
said road on the College Farm, and running thence
direct to a black-oak tree standing by the side of the
plank road about six rods West of the lane North of
the College buildings, cutting in its course the South
East corner of Dr Meiles and Dr Kedzie's barn.
Also, that the President and Faculty be authorized to
stump, log, underbrush, and level the ground in the
grove North of the College building; - to take up the small
flower beds East of the College building and level and
seed the same to lawn grass, and put out shrubs and
trees; - to throw out all the North and South walks, in
the Vegetable garden retaining the present drive and avenue,
and plan for planting all vegetables in drills or rows
running North or South; -
Also to stump the ravine running between the Fruit and

[End page 113]

[Begin page 114]

Vegetable Gardens; -- to drain properly, the East
slope of the Vegetable garden – to extend the Fruit garden
East according to the plan submitted by the Horti-
culturalist, extending the present bed of Lawton Black-
berries to the East side of the Fruit garden; - to remove
all stumps on the ground designed for Pear Orchard,
level the abrupt Knolls and to make a main drain
running across said orchard North & South with lateral
drains between the rows of trees; - to manure heavily and
subsoil, having effected complete surface drainage."
[Labor & Instruction]
The Faculty report on the practical working of
the plan to combine labor and instruction was
Evening Session.
The Faculty report on the General Interests of the College was
presented and accepted, and a resolution passed in reference
to the same subject, as follows:
[Secty. of Bd.]
"Resolved that a committee of which the vice President
shall be chairman be appointed, with authority to select and employ
a Secretary of the Board to perform the full duties set forth
in the organic law of the College."
Messrs Welch and Abbot were made members of the
The following Resolutions were passed:
[Boarding Hall rent]
"Resolved that the rule requiring $ 300. a year
to be charged the Students for rent of the Boarding Hall
be repealed."
"Resolved, that the sum of Four Thousand dollars
be drawn from the State Treasury into the hands of the
Treasurer of the College to be held under the control of the
Board: Thursday Aug 27th
Professor Welch absent.
[Land Sales]
"Resolved that T.C. Abbot, president of the College
be and hereby is authorized to contract and sell deta^ched
portions of the Swamp Lands belonging to the College, leaving
unsold the large marsh on the Amboy and Lansing R
Road, and that he sell said lands at such prices
as he may deem proper after examining and making
enquiry as to value, requiring twenty-five per cent of the purchase
price to be paid at term of sale: also that he report sales ^ made
by him, at each meeting of the Board of Agriculture".
"Resolved, that T.C. Abbot, President of the College,
be authroized to take into consideration and act upon the
proposition of Gov. B. Vanatta in relation to cutting a ditch

[End page 114]

[Begin page 115]

on the Swamp Lands belonging to the College in Section
14 of the Township of Meridian."
[Exch. Stove etc]
"Resolved, that the President be authorized to procure
for the use of the Boarding Hall a suitable cooking Stove; four
Kerosene table lamps and a door bell; - also to sell as best he
can the cooking Stove now belonging to said Hall."
"Resolved, that the President be authorized to let out a
contract for constructing a ditch, commencing at a point
at the termination of the ditch dug last season, for draining
the large marsh bringing to the State [Agrl?] College, and
ending at the Northern termination of the ditch leading from
the Rail Road: Said ditch to be 12 feet wide at the top and at least
2 feet deep, and to be dug at a rate not to exceed one Dollar
($1.00) per rod."
"Resolved, that the Farm Manager be instructed in
the uses of the Bulls belonging to the College to require pay for
their services, in advance, and to charge for the Services of the
Improved Short horn Bull "Fatalist" the sum of $5.00 for each
full blood cow, and $3.00 for each grade or native cow; and
for the services of the Devon Bull "Cherokee" the sum of $3.00 for
each full blood Cow, and $200 for each grade or native
"Resolved, that when this Board adjourns, it shall be to
the 10th day of November next, at the State Agr'l Colleges;
"Resolved, that the committeee on Catalogues be instructed
to prepare and cause to be published a catalogue of the Agr'l
College, for the year 1863, to consist of 3000 copies".
A committee on Catalogue was apointed by the Vice
president, consisting of Mr Gage.
"Resolved, that the Faculty present to this Board at its
next meeting a list of books for the Library, to be purchased
for the year 1864, and also the amount of money on hand
at the close of the present school year, under the resolution
for the graduate increase of the Library.
It was moved to take a recess to the "American House"
Evening Session, American. House"
The Board met and adjourned,
C.A. Kenaston
Acting Secretary

[End page 115]

[Begin page 116]

St Agricultural College Michigan.
9 o'clock A.M. Nov. 12th 1863
Regular meeting of the State Board of Agriculture.
Present messrs Wells, Abbot, Carpenter, Prutzman, Gage and Welch.
Mr Rich absent.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The Committee on Accounts reported in favor of approving the
issue of warrats 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179,
180, 181, and 183. The report was accepted and adopted.
The following accounts were allowed.
In favor of Mr R. Burcham $ 20.12½
In favor of Mr W. Adair $ 33.25

The Committee on Officers and Employees presented the
following report; which was adopted.
The Committee on Employees report in favor of dispensing
with the services of Mr. Fitz Stebbins as manager of the Boarding
Hall at the close of the present school year, or as soon there-
after as some suitable person can be found to supply his place.
The Committee on Catalogue reported, that;
A catalogue of the Officers and Students of the College for the
year 1863 has been prepraed and published; and that the same
is now on hand: that the cost of the same has not been fully
ascertained, but that it is at the same rate as that of the issues
for the years 1861 and 1862. The number of copies published
is 2000. All of which is respectfully submitted.
The Report was accepted.
Judge Wells reported that he had conferred with the
Governor of the State on the subject of arms and equipments
for the use of the College; and that His Excellency has prom=
ised that they should be furnished.
The Faculty in accordance with a resolution of the
Board, passed at a previous meeting, reported in favor of
procuring for the Library, "Lillman's Journal of Science" from
the beginning of its publication: and that a balance of $ 127.34
of the fund for the gradual increase of the Library, remains.
The Report was made the basis of the following:
Resolved; that the report of the Faculty be adopted, and
that the money now remaining to the credit of the fund
for the increase of the Library be expended accordingly.

Mr Carpenter was made a commtitee to confer
with Mr Noble in regard to remaining on the farm after
the close of the present term.

[End page 116]

[Begin page 117]

It was resolved, that from and after the beginning of
the next college term Clark A. Noble be employed a foreman
on the farm, at the rate of $400. a year during the pleasure
of the Board.
Resolved, that Dr Miles, under the direction of the Faculty
be authorized to employ such an amount of help as may
be deemed necessary to perform the labor of the farms during
the present fall and the coming winter.
Resolved, that Dr Miles be authorized to procure
materials for a shed twenty-four feet wide, to extend from
the N.E. corner of the barn to the N.E. corner of the barn=
yard: and that he be authorized to use the lumber to be
procured for the Shed, in making a temporary shed for
the winter.
[Sunday Services]
Resolved, that the rule requiring the Faculty to
conduct the Sabbath religious exercises, to the exclusion of
clergymen, be rescinded; and that President Abbot reques=
ted to take personal charge of such exercises, procuring
such aid from time to time as he may think proper.
Resolved, that the sum of Two Thousand ($2000) dollars
be drawn from the State Treasury, and placed in the
hands of the Treasurer of the college, to be held under
the control of this Board.
The Board adjourned.
C.A. Kenaston
Secretary pro. tem.

There were allowed accounts as appear by endowments
on Bills, at the Nov. meeting 1863, as follows
To H.G. Wells Expenses attending Board meetings
Aug. $22.00 Nov $18.25 = $40.25 w 190
" D. Carpenter Aug $18.35 Nov $21.65 40.00 "
" Justus Gage " $23.00 " 22.80 45.80 "
" A.C. Prutzman July 12.78 " 21.70 34.48 "
" A.S. Welch July 5.00 Nov 12.50 29.50 "
Oct. 26 1865 T.C. Abbot Acct. Secretary.
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