
University Reporter - Intelligencer, Volume 1, Number 25


Creator: Crying Out For Help, Inc
Subjects: Administration, People, Faculty, Students, Campus
Description: Major stories:
Abortion Pill
"RU 486: Abortion and the shifting moral equation" by Loenard Fleck
Viewer Mail
Dr. Andrew Barclay
Lack of places to dance in East Lansing
Reviews - Twin Peaks
Entertainment - Third Estate, Anti-Greek Week T-shirts
Date: May 16, 1990
Format: Text/pdf
Original Format: Broadside
Resource Identifier: A006371.pdf
Collection Number: Serial 990
Language: English
Rights Management: Educational use only, no other permissions given. Copyright to this resource is held by Michigan State University and is provided here for educational purposes only. It may not be reproduced or distributed in any format without written permission of the University Archives & Historical Collections, Michigan State University.
Contributing Institution: University Archives & Historical Collections
Relation: Serial 990
Text File: Download (14.64 MB)
Transcript: A uR-1 SPECIAL REPORT on Dancin in East Lansin .~. . 10
Vol. I
No. 25
MSU's alternative
and truly
endent voice
What's shakin' :
uR-1 's Marshall replies
to Greek column
oAlways something fresh on ...
OKeep Op: on important issues .. .
OColumns comin' out our ears .. .
o Dr. Se,x and Provoc rock ...
oout & About gets live .. .
OEntertainment thrives .. .
p. 7
p. 10+
BIRTH TO NEW DILEMMA BY STEPHANIE REITZ tested in California. Tests induces contractions in the 96 to 98 percent rate of
uR-1 SENIOR cORRESPoN>ENT also are being run in uterus, aborting the preg- success without complica-
The controversial "at- Sweden, China, Hungary nancy in a less invasive tions.
home-abortion-pill" mar- and the United Kingdom. way than presently used According to the
keted in France will be surgical suction methods. World Health Organization,
available across the street How It Works In a surgical abor- almost 50 million women
horn MSU \{the Food and RU 486, known as tion, the woman's cervix is have surgical abortions
Drug Administration approves
its distribution in
this country.
The pill, labeled "AU
486," has been hailed by
some pro-choice activists
while hated by anti-abortion
groups. ~However, the
controversy surrounding
the pill will not stop it from
coming to East Lansing.
Betsy Tupper, community
education coordinator
for Womancare of Lansing,
said the firm's East Lansing
branch, 201 E. Grand
River Ave., will distri>ute
RU 486 if federally approved.
"It would be a wonderful
thing for women who
now must have an abortion
surgicalty," Tupper said.
"I'm not sure what the
local reaction would be, but
I've heard that Right-To-
. Lite groups will boycott any
pharmaceutical company
that makes RU 486 in the
United States."
Currently, RU 486 is
used by more than 15,000
women in France.' Though
the FDA has no plans to
review the pill in the near
future, RU 486 is being
RU 486, being tested in California, is Illegal in the United States.
mif epristone in medical dilated to the width of a
circles, was introduced in pencil and a "vacuette" is
France in 1988 by Groupe inserted into the uterus.
Roussel Uclaf. The contents of the uterus
This abortion pill then are emptied by succauses
a miscarriage by tion.
stopping the hormone progesterone
from retaining a
fertilized egg. After three
days of taking the pill, the
patient is given a shot that
"(Surgical abortion)
is fairly simple and is safe.
but RU 486 is less invasive
than even that," Tupper
said. "RU 486 also has a
uR-1 artwork/JULIE NICHOLS
each year. Of these,
·200,000 die from unsafe
conditions, infection or
medical errors.
While RU 486 often
is mistaken for the "morning
after" pill given to
victims of sexual assault,
the two pills.in fact, are
. The "morning after"
pill is a high dose of oral
contraceptives and must
be taken within 72 ho·urs
of unprotected sexual
intercourse. In contrast,
RU 486 must be taken
when pregancy is confirmed
or six to eight weeks
after the woman's last
menstrual cycle.
companies hesitant
Most of the country's
major pharmaceutical companies
already have said
they won't touch HU 486
for fear of public controversy
and expensive
The example of G.D.
Searle - a U.S. company
that has lost more than $1 O
million in lawsuits over its
Copper-7 intra-uterine
device (IUD) - has left
other pharmaceutical
companies scared.
And the example of
A.H. Robbins, which went
bankrupt after losing numerous
suits over its
Dalkon Shield IUD, also
frightens companies away
from marketing RU 486.
"We're caught
between people who want
the stuff and those who
want it immediatedly but
expect perfection," said
Duane Pisancza, an
See PILL, p. 2
Professor discusses the controversial abortion pill RU 486 and its ramifications on The Second Front Page
Experts react
Placing moral objections
aside, some say RU 486 doubly
angers anti-abortion groups because
it forces changes in their
political strategies. .
· Thomas Tomlinson, associate
professor in the Center for
Ethics and Humanities of MSU's
life sciences department, said
approval of RU 486 would decentralize
the target of anti-abortion
"Right now, an abortion
clinic is an obvious place for antiabortionists
to protest visibly and
forcefully," Tomlinson said. "If this
pill were available by prescription,
abortion would become more
invisible and, for them, harder to
fight." .
But even if RU 486 is approved
for distribution, some state
politicians believe that the abortion
pill will face a tough battle in the
Michigan Legislature.
Rep. Matt Dunaskis, R-Lake
Orion, said federal restrictions
: Bagel Fragefueli
. This Week's Question:
How do you feel about East Lansing's
efforts to ban smoking In city buildings and
a. Where I can smoke is none of their business
b. I don't mind as long as I can still smoke at
blind pigs
c. it's about time someone took a stand for nonsmokers
d. smoking is a vile habit and should be banned
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coffee, and A ~wf that takes their coffee
.very seriously. Slap in.to the cale and take a
For those who take the most
sharply defined moral positions on
the abortion question, the introduction
of RU-486 changes nothing,
morally speaking.
For the strict conservative, the
fact that an abortion is effected in
the earliest stages of a pregnancy
does not change the essential
moral wrongness of the act. But
for those who see aboriton decisions
as a matter of balancing
competing. moral considerations,
RU-486 does affect a major shift in
the moral equation.
Most of those who defend a
pro-choice view see the issue in
this balancing mode, though the
rhetoric employed will often obscure
this fact. That is, the rhetoric
suggests that women have an
absolute right to choose abortion,
that there are no serious counter
·vailing moral considerations.
But the reality is that abortion
is felt to be a moral tragedy. To
be sure, I would argue that fetuses
are not persons, nor do they have
moral rights as you and I do. But
they are clearly a human life form,
wich is literally what is seen from
the earliest days in the second
trimester of a pregnancy. Hence,
it sould come as no surprise that
women having abortions under
these circumstances would experience
a deep sense of moral
There is an important biological
fact we need to note, namely,
that the development of the fetus
is very much a continuious process.
the university Reporter-Intelligencer Page Three
The Second Front Page
RU 486: Abortion and the
shifting moral equation
Many writers have attempted
to identify some point in fetal development
that would make a
radical moral difference, such that
prior to that point abortions would
be morally permissible, but after
that point they would be morally
wrong. Points that have been
suggested have incuded implantation,
the emergence of the primitive
brain streak, the completion of
the anatomy of the brain and
But biological facts suggest
there are no such bright lines or
points to which we can attach
great moral significance.
Daniel Callahan, a philosopher
at The Hastings Center, takes the
moral implication of this to be that
as a pregnancy advances ,correspondingly
weightier moral considerations
are needed to justify an
abortion. This would be especially
true beyond the latter stages of
the second trimester, where, I
would suggest we would need to
justify an abortion primarily in
terms of the future interests of the
fetus rather than the interests of
the mother. And most often, such
justificatijn is available since the
most frequent circumstances
requiring such abortions are
serious genetic or devcelopmental
problems in the fetus that would
very adversely affect its future
quality of life.
If Callahan's developmental
approach to thinking about the
morality of abortion. is reasonable,
then the RU-486 pill does represent
an important moral gain.
By allowing for the very early
termination of a pregnancy, RU-
486 allows a woman's interests to
be morally controlling in the making
of that decision. Moreoyer,
since the pill appears to be very
safe, women are spared the risks
that are associated with any
abortion procedure. They also are
spared the psychological trauma
often associated with abortion.
Trauma that the men who impregnated
them rarely must face. .
But perhaps the most important
gain of the RU-486 pill is that
it does make real the right to
privacy and the right to selfdetermination
in these matters,
which are the rights most often
invoked as the moral basis for
justifying abortion. That is, one of
the social oddities about the
abortion question is that it has
been anything but a private affair.
Having an abortion has involved
physicians and other health
care professionals, the use of ,
hospitals or other health care
facilities, and sometimes the use
of public funds. These all are
things that are publicly regualted.
Under these conditions, abortion
appears to be a very public event,
and the assertion of rights to
privacy and self-determaination do
not seem to be quite congruent
with the social facts.
But the availability of RU-486
would virtualy eliminate that incongruity.
Not all writers see this result
as an unambiguous moral good.
Lisa Cahill, writing in The
Hastings Center Report (October,
1987), says that the RU-486 pill
poses additional difficulties for
moral analysis because it "potentially
privatizes the abortion decision
to such an extent that moral
scrutiny could be evaded almost
entirely." And, she adds that this
also "lessens public accoutnablility."
But we need to ask why there
should have to be public accountability
in the first place. That
seems to have been mostly an
accidental f ea tu re of the fact that
women cannot safely abort themselves.
With the advent of RU-
486, the burden of proof would
seem to shift to those who would
demand public accountability.
Cahill herself makes a vague reference
to the need for social
reflection "on the psychosocial
relation of aborion to other forms
of killing." But I am not familiar
with any social research that
would suggest that abortion
makes us more tolerant of killing in
Of course, there is the claim
that we have a person from the
moment of conception. But that
claim is rooted in deep religious
and philosophic convictions that
are themselves "private," that a
liberal society cannot justifiably
·make a matter of public accountability.
For those who might think .
otherwise, it would be useful to
note that some Eastern religions
see all animals as having a soul,
as being person-like For all those
who defend a right-to-life perspective
and enjoy McDonal hamburgers
as well, this is a point worth ·
In concluding, we will note that
RU-486 is not a contraceptive pill.
It is an abortifacient. And for that
reason it does require some moral
attention. ·
But it is moral attention from
the pregnant woman, not society
at large.
And it is a degree of attention
substantially diminished from that
required by a later abortion.
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WeR Abortion is a woman's choice.
No dispute over that.
But now, a new question has
entered the abortion battlefield -
where anti-abortionists and prochoice
groups continue to feud in
the never-ending debate: What
methods of abortion should be
deemed morally acceptable and
medically safe?
This question has been sparked
by the introduction of RU 486,
more commonly known as the "at
'home abortion pill." RU 486 ~
introduced in France in 1988 by
Groupe Roussel Uclaf - currently
is marketed and used by more
than 15,000 women in France.
But Americans are afraid to use it.
And so is the rest of the world.
RU 486 recently crossed the
Atlantic and arrived in the United
States where it currently is being
tested in California. Tests also are
being run in Sweden, china,
Hungary and the United Kingdom.
But no one except for_the French
have taken the bold step to use
this alternative method of abortion
... and they should . .
Currently, the most widely used
method of abortion in the United
States is the surgical suction
method. According to the World
Health Organization, almost 50
million worldwide have surgical
abortions each year.
However, of these 50 million
women, 200,000 die from unsafe .
conditions, infection or medical
errors, according to WHO reports.
If these reports are accurate, then
it is imperative that an alternative,
more sate method of abortion be
available for women in the United
States and throughout the world.
The surgical suction method has
been known to be fairly simple and
But RU 486 also has been reported
to have a 96 to 98 percent
rate of success without complications.
And the abortion pill also
provides for much greater privacy
and shuts off public scrutiny for
preg_nant women seeking abortions.
If RU 486 is safe for the 15,000-
plus French women using it, then
why isn't it safe for the rest of the
If tests in the United States prove
that RU 486 does indeed have a
"96 to 98 percent rate of succ.ess
uR-1 artwork/JULIE NICHOLS
without complications," then FDA
officials should do the right thing.
Legalize RU 486.
And American pharmaceutical
companies should wake up and
take a stand for the women who
desperately need help when
confronted with the agonizing
decision of abortion.
If American women can choose
what form of birth control methods
to use, then they also should have
the right to alternative abortion
procedures, AS LONG AS THESE
Reporter-Intel I igencer
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16 May 1990 university Reporter-Intelligencer • 5
Appreciation for Doc's
advice to: Take two and
ball me in the morning
Dear Doc,
I wanted to write to thank you for
your advice about how to get over my
panic over making it with this woman
and my rommate.
I got really drunk, like you suggested,
and watched while they got it
on. Well, you guessed what happened.
Before long, I was joining in.
It was great Doc! We kept having
these group orgasms, which must
have woke up the whole apartment
complex. None of us ever had such
great secc. Now, we're ready for an
orgy. Any ideas of how we sell the
idea to our friends?
Thanks again,
Reader: DPS unjust
Dear Editor:
The following is just a general
letter to let the public know about the
injustice of DPS.
Recently, I had the misfortune of
dealing with the Department of Public
Safety and' I'm appalled at their lack of
competence. For being supposed
"Officers of the Law; I found them
ignorant of the topic and greatly
lacking in "Due Process· arena.
The most incrediqle fault was their
gullibility. The officer was blatantly
lied to by the other party, (a Dee Gee
who gave her sorority a wonderful
reputation and I'm sure they're all
proud of her!); and they bought her
story hook, line, and sinker. The most
disgusitng fault is the fact that I was
denied my right to testify about how
the accident occurred becuase I was
related to the driver and DPS feels
that 99% of the time relatives tell the
same story and therefore don't need
to be consulted. How absurd!! What
about the 1 % who see and say
something different and cou a possibly
shed some light on the situation? It's
a ridiculous notion to disregard a
relative's testimony becuase the facts
are likely to be the same; maybe that's
because we see the same accident
According to our constitution a person
has the right to testify and the fact of _
being related is irrelevant! Also, the
Officer recontacted the passenger of
the other case (a ball-less gentleman
who lied for the "lovely• Dee Gee, how
-chivalrous!) after she'd taken the
reports and left the scene, but then
never bothered to hear my side of the
story at all. .
Is this our fair judicial system? I
certainly hope that this was just one
unfortunate incident and not the usual
way an investigation ls handled.
Officer Z. was wonderfully polite and
courteous but there's more to her job
description than that, and just maybe
she should look into it. As for the
other parties involved, their lack of
morals is offensive, and I hope they're
proud of their outstanding "lawabiding•
behavior. Although my party
was found at fault in this incident, no
citation was issued due to a "lack of
evidence: How, then, did the officer
reach her conclusion of fault? Eneie,
meanie, miney, moe ...
Jeannie Brake
Physiology major
Doin' Ollie wrong
Dear uR-1,
Although I am a fan of your paper,
I have several comments to make
about your May 9th issue. First, you
have Ollie North as Geek of the Week,
which is fine with me, but you said that
Kukla and Fran were puppets. If I am
not mistaken, Kukla and Ollie were the
puppets, and Fran was the host of the
children's TV show.
Also, I found your coverage of the
Ollie North visit as biased as many of
the articles we read in the State News.
Even though you did quote others as
giving possible reasons why Ollie was
Invited, I believe that to add balance
and objectivity to your paper, it would
be helpful to hear from the other side
and not just speculation. From the
covera9e I read of the events, there
were Ollie supporters at the protest,
and I believe their opinions, and not
just speculation, might help us understand
why anyone came from Darius
Peyton, who said he personally did
not support North, but supports his
right to speak. Isn't that why Farrakhan
was invited to campus, even
though much controversy surrounded
his visit? I find it hypocritical of
anyone to support the free speech of
Farrakhan and not the free speech of
Oliver North, and vice versa.
If we repress those of differing
opinions, we will never learn from
each other.
Finally, I hope your paper covers
the Take Back the Night Candlelight
Vigil on May 18 at 8:00pm at
Beaumont Tower and the March/Rally
at the State Capitol at 6:00pm on May -
- Brenda Hardy
Graduate Student
McW loses marbles
Dear uRI:
Being a new freshman here at
MSU, this year really opened my eyes
asto how much people bitch around
here. Blacks bitch about whites, girls
bitch about guys, student's bitch about
the AD, and your reporter, Tom
McWilliams is bitching about our
country's government. Is poor Tommy
being oppressed?? I would like to
know who gave him his right to bitch?
I'm glad I have my right to bitch about
his column! As for his marble analogy-
he's lost his!
However, I always enjoy reading
M.L. Elrick's column This week's
artide about the Grecians "GoodDeed
Day• was excellent, definitely
Perhaps Mr. McWilliams has a
question he'd like to ask Dr. Barclay
about sexual frustrations?
Get a hair-cut, Tom!! Then try
getting laid. Maybe next week's
article won't have so much pent-up
frustration in it.
- Lynn Kloosterman
... more letters
· on p. 6~··
No, it's.not WHO,_ but WHAT earns Geek o' the Week dishonors cette semaine, as the French might say.
And speaking of the French; they love the buddy of the guy stricken with this week's Geek~
Is this getting too drawn out? Are we hurting for Geeks? Is this really necessary? ·
Well, maybe not, but sit tight, because - In a uff:.-1 first - a non-human is our Geek (well, that may not be
true; we've had Reagan, Nixon, Perles, Bakker ... ).
Anyway •••
Yes; for weakening - and one can only assume eventually killing Sammy - throat cancer takes this week's
dishonors. _
Aside from being a pain in the neck, throat cancer has prevented Sammy Davis Jr., friend of jerry Lewis (who
- _ · is tres manifique}, from being his really, really, grooviest best, man. -
He's really a beautiful human being, man, as well as a close friend, and we're going to miss him.
A truly hip cat killed by a truly unhip disease.
Too heavy, man.
If you will, a moment of silence for the king of the Rat Pack - SAMMY!!!
6 • university Reporter-Intelligencer 16 May 1990
MSU wouldn't let
Babbit in either
Dear Editors,
I read your publication on a
regular basis, and often enjoy its
"different" approach to reporting that is
not found in Tha Stata Naws. You
pride yourselves on being MSU's
"alternative· newspaper and for not
having the biases and one-sided
opinions so often found in the mainstream
news. However, I was sorely
disappointed after reading M.L.Elrick's
article about Greek Week in the May
9, 1990 issue. Mr. Elrick does have a
few good causes and for our environment,
but they are deeply hidden in an
article based on stereotypes, false
information, and inappropriate sarcasm.
The purpose of Greek Week is to
raise money for and participate in a
worthwhile activity (Special Olympics)
with which we might not otherwise
placed on the one week of games and
events (because more money can be
raised.with such a concentrated effort
than with scattered participation),
there are actually benefits for the
cause that go on throughout the year,
such as "MTV barnight" (in which
sorority houses put on lip-synch acts
and 'the cover charges all went to
Special Olympics) in February.
Secondly, each fraternity or
sorority has a philanthropy to which it
donates money and time all year long.
These causes range from the prevention
of child abuse to recovering
women alcoholics to the American
Cancer Society. I personally have
sold raffle tickets, "ghost insurance",
and other such items to raise money
for philanthropic projects, as well as
spending time playing games and
doing crafts with "underprivileged"
children"B from the Lansing area
during a function sponsored by my
house and a fraternity. My pledge
class alone donated over 100 cans of
food to a local food bank - and no, it
wasn't provided by "Mummy and
Yes, there are people out there (in
and out of the Greek system) who
· think that a day's good deeds should
make up for a lifetime of indifference.
But there always have been, and
unfortunately, probably always will be.
The way to deal with this situation in
society is to counteract it - not
through a newspaper article full of low
blows, one-liners, and ridiculous
examples (come on, Mr. Elrick, do you
honestly think that an individual like
Raymond Babbit would be attending a
Big Ten University, much less rushing
a fraternity there?), but with positive
action. What has Mr. Elrick done
along these lines? Perhaps he might
do us all a favour by taking the lime
he would have spent writing another
such article and putting it towards a
good cause.
- Suzanne L. Sokalski
Pre-veterinary Medicine Student
and Fundraising Chair, Gamma Phi
. Beta Sorority - Beta Delta Chapter
· P.S. I do not own anything made
by Gucci or Bass, and have yet to
meet someone named
"Biff","Skip","Muffy", or "Mimsy·.
Way wrong, dude
Dear uR-1:
M.L. Elrick was totally wrong
about Greeks. Not only are we
especially nice that one day of the
year when we hug a retarded person,
but we also use pump hairspray
instead of aerosol year-round.
- Biff Darnell
Greeks aren't geeks
Mr. Elrick,
While we're shattering illusions,
let's take a look at shattering some of
yours. While there is a ridiculous
amount of Rayban and designer sock
wearing in the Greek system, it is not
all that way - remem bar there are
over 48 houses at MSU. Some of us,
like me, so not fit the mold of your
typical Greek. My long hair - longer
than most of your staff's - and three
earings on a male is not your typical
weegon wearer. I personally am
allergic to plaid. Others, like me, do
not have mumsy and daaaddy paying
for our Sprees - some pay all
ourselves. Even foregoing financial
· aid becaus.e of our refusal to register
for the selective service. Before you
criticize all Greeks for one week of
fun, take a look at other events -
you're not seeing hours of free time
each week devoted to other philanthropic
endeavors such as SADD;
Easter Seals; Soup·Kitchens; Big
Brother/Big Sister; and many more.
The massive effort you'd like to see .
continued ~go on year round. It
just doesn't make the papers, even
the alternative ones. Granted some
houses are more charity oriented than
others. Many do not have regular
Landshark nights. Next time some of
your pals have a party, try charging a
can of food for each person to get in,
like some Greek houses do. Next
time I read about one of the bitchin'
house parties in the uR-1, I'll think
about you rousing the neighbors.
Greek houses are social clubs with
different slants for each house· - so
yes there will be partying - if you
can say you ragW all you_r friends to
put in a set amount of social work
each term - more power to you. If
you can't - think again about the
Greeks. And next time you don't like
the behavior of a few letter wearers, ,
d2n1 lump the roughly 2000 of us as
the same.
I ask that as I ask others not to
judge me when they see guys with
long hair behaving in a way they don't .
like. By the way, keep up the good
work on the paper - the articles are
becoming more in-depth and up to
date - definite improvements since
the beginning of the year. Could you
try to get listings for more movies like
at the Odeon and East Lansing Public
Library - it would be a most welcome
addition to "Out & About."
- Peter Zeiler
Next on the bitch list
Mr. Mc Williams,
.Take a ride on the clue bus.
Everyone knows the government lies
and takes your rights away - I think
we all figured that out sometime in
high school. We all know how special
· interest groups get what they want,
but only if they are monied enough. I
refuse to register for selective service
because it violates my rights. And
don't even get me started on the
misuse of my tax money on creating
secret CIA ·drug funds and, nuclear
bombs. Don't get me started on
Reagan's repeal of half of the due
process and privacy acts. But you
mention the invasion of rights on cars,
foods, work and play - just keep in
mind without the government there
would be no roads to drive your car
on, food of substandard quality at
outrageous prices, no workmans ,
comp when you lose a leg in an
unsafe shop and just think, you too
could die in a nightclub fire, if it
weren't for;. fire codes. If you want to
write a t~uly impressive and progressive
column, research specific areas
that our government is violating our
rights, such as oral/ anal sex la~s.
ELPD taking my name & address from
local party store owners when I buy a
keg, questionable search & seizures
- remember the man whose car was
confiscated for having a dope pipe?
Find some specific areas and then
maybe suggest some actions for
people to take (May I recommend
Rules for Radjcals Saul A. Alinsky) -
in the meantime stop whining vaguely ·
about things we've all known for a
long time now. Before you tell "fuck
.the government" and get all bent out
of shape - think "subvert the dominant
paradigm" and take action.
Maybe it's time to replace the capitalist
2 party system with a multiple party
system more socialistically oriented or
some other alternative form (may I
again suggest Micheal Parenti ~
mocracy for the Few & The Sword &
The Dollar) - you work for an alternative
paper - get cracking!!!
- Peter Zeiler
Lost marbles, McW!
Being a new freshman here at MSU,
this year really opened my eyes asto how
much people bitch around here. Blacks
bitch about whites, girls bitch about guys,
student's bitch about the AD, and your
reporter, Tom McWilliarris is bitching about
our country's government. Is poor Tommy
being oppressed?? I would like to know
who gave him his right to b.itch? I'm glad I
have my right to bitch about his column I
As for his marble analogy- he's lost his I
However, I always enjoy reading M .L
Elrick's column This week's article about
the Grecians "Good-Deed Day" was
excellent, definitely excellent.
Perhaps Mr. McWilliams has a
question he'd like to ask Dr. Barclay about
sexual frustrations?
Get a hair-cut, Tomll Then try getting
laid. Maybe next week's article won't have
so much pent-up frustration in it.
- Lynn Kloostennan
Just semantics
Tom McWilliams,
I'm afraid I've got to disagree with
the statement, "How Uncle Sam steals
your rights.·
Uncle Sam doesn't STEAL your
rights - he cons you into GIVING
REALIZING that you're DOING it!
-Kay Steele
MSU Alumni
(Telecommunications, 1986)
P.S. Other than this minor point,
your column is a refreshing point of
sanity in a sea of media dreck.
McWilliams is a dude
After reading Tom McWilliams' article
in the 2 May 1990 issue, I have to say that
I'm glad to see that there are still some
individuals concerned with the freedom
and liberty left on this campus. McWilliams,
in his article, is expressing some of
thefundemental concepts of libertarianism.
Not everybody who sees the government
stamp on people's rights wants to
solve the problem by giving the government
more offices, personnel, and funds.
Libertarians don't; and holding such an
opinion, they are distinct from the socialist
left. The individualist left, of which libertarianism
is the most rapidly growing
movement, believe in minarchy-the
severe curtailment of state power.
The basic axioms of libertarianism are
self-ownership and non-coercion. That is,
an individual owns his or herself and is the
sole master of his or her mind, body, labor,
and possessions. No one, therefore, can
legitimately exert any control over another
because no one owns any individual other
than him or herself. Only when the
primary property right, self-ownership, is
invaded may force be used against
another (self defense).
Libertarians do not believe democracy
justifies oppression. Just because a
majority chooses a certain goal does not
justify forcing the minority to go along.
Members of the minority own themselves
no matter how insignificant their number.
Libertarians are forfreedom, harmony,
and abundance. To achieve this,
institutional theft, intolerance and aggression
must be eliminated. Any freedom
minded individuals who want to start a
losely-n it Libertarian Organization on this
campus, or simply wants information on
libertarianism, plesae contact me.
-Jeff Hanert
16 May 1990 university Reporter-Intelligencer • 7
Marshall I- if ..... .. < ] ·.·.·.·.·. ·.:.·.·.· .·. "[ . · . · . ·.· ·.· . ·.·. · . ·.·.· . ·. · ·. ·· . · . · · . ·.·.~ . · -·· -
Unfortunately, life is not black and
white. The gray areas which lie in
between are too often mistaken for the
extreme. Such is the case with the
caste systems which some believe
define MSU.
Take fraternities. Some would tell
you that the fraternities are social
clubs which are created to aid others.
Nope, thanks for playing.
Others would tell yol.i they're
No doubt, many of you have seen
the plywood monuments erected in
front of Wells Hall the past few weeks.
,, McWilliams
Doesn't anyone care that our
freedom is evaporating around us??
Have you thrown it in? You do have
options, if you would like to live in a
free society. The first and foremost
thing is to get beyond the deceptive
language that politicians constantly
outgas when they speak. To wit;
Government: An abstract entity,
orginally applied to a group of individuals,
but now referring to any form
of power with the mandate of law,
often sanctified with images like
eagles and bells.
Th is word is dangerous. A
Greeks ain't all bad
places where Muffy and Skip attain
social status, drink, and get laid.
Survey Says: X (buzzer).
I know it's not quite the stance of
some at my paper, but I'm going to be
If you are going to classify people,
classify them as people, not caricatures
fed to you by secondhand
I know a good number of greeks,
and though I am -not a fraternity
member, I think that these. people
can't be pigeonholed the way mail is
It's just not fair. While I'm not
exactly a greek supporter, however, I
felt that enough things had been
pr.inted in this paper that I don't quite
agree with.
So I'm doing something.
How many of us •non-greeks· can
say that we do as much good work for
others during the year as the fraternities
and sororities do during Greek
Week? Not to mention the fact that
most of the houses sponsor yearround
activities for good causes.
I do not contest the fact that many
of the greeks do these labors for the
camera, or because they are required
to do so lest they lose their social
status as a brother or sister.
But I ask you: Does it matter?
The deeds are being done. I don't
care what motivates people to do
good. works.
I don't think it's a sin to do something
gOod for society just because
your friends are going to do it, or
because you could get your picture in
a brochure (no matter how selfserving
that brochure may be), or
because you want to remain In the
In fact, this could almost be conca-
mpus freedom of speech:
sidered positive peer pressure.
And, you know, I bet there are
loads of non-greeks who act like idiots
when they're drunk, or refuse to wear
anything without an animal on it.
A little partying, a little puking, a
little carousing with the opposite sex,
a little social work to improve society,
a little more partying, and a little
shopping at the Polo outlet.
Isn't this what life is about: taking
everything in moderation?
Where's the problem?
I'm not going to judge people on
the basis of the fraternity (or lack
thereof) that they belong to - the fact
is, I shouldn't judge others at all.
Just because the greeks are a
visible group in the MSU community
doesn't mean they can be classified
as a group rather than the individuals
they are.
Now the NRA is a different story ...
- Marshall is a uR-1 correspondent
who WAS going to be editor next fall
Dying breed or annoying weed?
A few student groups, such as the
Committee for Education in Latin
America (CELA), Democratic Socialists
of America (DSA) and Helping to
Understand Racism Today (H.URT)
have built these structures to educate,
and more importantly to remind students
of events and problems which
they don't know affect them.
These "shanties· are erected for
specific causes, i.e. the plight of the
homeless, or the United State's ·
Government's involvement in El
Salvador, and many students judge
them on aesthetics, instead of the
idea behind them. To quote an known
passer-by, "They're Ugly!• This is the
American mind at work.
A more important issue is being
confronted at Wells; students' right for
freedom of speech, a guaranteed
constitutional right which is being
stifled by the University Administration's
conservativeness. To quote
from the petition being taken, "We
strongly encourage the University
Administration to support MSU
students in the use of the their campus
for the liberal sharing of ideas and
the purpose of education.·
The problems that these protest
are focused on are specific, yes, and
the idea of losing freedom of speech ·
is a stretch of imagination, even
enough of a stretch to call it paranoid,
yes, but the idea is not to cause
trouble, or get arrested, but to point
some fingers. Point at you and
myself, and remember that the
problems which we sit back and watch
today as students will be the problems
that bury us when we rule the world.
Modern American Doublespeak
violation of your rights is not justified if
it is being done by government (that
is, the individuals who operate under
the banner of government).
Public Good, Public Interest,
Public Morals, etc.: Since the public
consists of millions of individuals,
each with a different idea of what is
good, moral, or in his best interest,
these phrases can only mean what
the individuals who use these words
(those in power ) want you and I to
think is good, moral or in our best
interest. Like;
Taxation, Conscription (the
draft), Social Security: All are
examples of words that are used to
make immoral or illegal acts sound
respectable. They mean; theft,
slavery, and fraud (social security is
just "pyramiding· on a grand scale).
Theft, forcible coercion, and fraud are
the three things our government was
crated to protect against!
Apathy: Popularized by the
media for meaning virtually any action
or inaction which the individuals in
government dislike. (Lately applied to
the many millions each year that don't
vote because they have no other way
to protest the lack of real choice for
candidates, the unacceptability of all
politicians on the ballot, or the workings
of The System itself.)
Obligation, Duty, etc.: Originally
something you entered into
voluntarily, like a contract, but with
which you are now born. It's usually
used like "Duty to Country.· It really
means the government's opinion as to
whose interests you should support
(yours or theirs). -
Patriotic: An adjective- applied
to those that unquestionably support
their country. By this definition, the
founding fathers were unpatriotic,
because they did not support the
people in poer at the time. Similarly, I
am unpatriotic becuase I question the
authority of government to continually
violate human rights.
Public Property: Land to which
the public supopsedly has free
access. Actually, only those with
permission from government officials
are a!lowed access to this land. This
means it is really owned by government
officials. One proof of this is the
U.S. Forest Service's continued sale
of National Forest Property (Giant
Sequoias, among other trees) to
Public Education: About the
ultimate in Huxley-like visions. Children
are required to attend schools in
which those who do become literate
read books about American history
that the State has deemed acceptable.
such acceptance is usual(y
based on certain "interpretations" of
history. -
Many do not learn that l:..incoln
did not win the Civil War to free
slaves, but rather to prove that men
had to "belong· to the Country
whether they wanted to or not.
The real meaning? Indoctrination
of the young and impressionable.
If you doubt these definitions, consider
that you learned the "correct" definitions
in a state-owned, -operated, and
-regulated educational system.
Ever read Brave New World?
336-9591, and ask for Tom.
----- -----------~~ ----- - ~- -
8 • u · ersity Reporter-Intelligencer 16 May 1990-·
'i;;;,i' 11111111 II
·Dr. Sex lives to
answer your
(In order to save space I am
deleting salutations and editing letters
to get to the bottom line. I apologize
to letter-writers whose beautiful ·
missives have been cut to pieces. A
lot of the letters were very funny.
Almost as funny as I am, but you'll
never know that, will you?)
Q) What is smegma? My boyfriend
and his friends laugh about it but they
won't let me in on their little joke.
A) Smegma is a cheese-like, waxy
substance that collects under the
foreskin of uncircumcised males. It
has a characteristic odor many find
offensive and is similar (in hygienic
disgust quotient) to toe jams or the lint
that collects in your bellybutton. The
uncircumcised man has to retract his
foreskin to maintain good penile
hygiene, which may account for why
many parents opt to have their sons
circumcised - it saves everyone a lot
of trouble.
The real joke is although men point
a finger at women, everyone has a
characteristic crotch odor, but only
women are targeted for products to
"maintain freshmness."
The vagina is self-cleaning. You
do not need to buy products in order
to do what nature does for free. Can
you imagi~e a ball-deodorizer? My
Here ii is BAM, andyou71 •y •·
· GODDAM, thisadope'sjam._
·.. :·.· .·
sources tell me that many men could
use a product like this. Keep it In
mind, guys.
Q) Why are you· so down on
people who are either doing their jobs
as public officials or are sincerely
. interested in maintaining East Lansing
as a legal and rational kind of town?
A) I received three or four letters
all asking this same basic question.
Two of them were actually quite
hostile to old Doc's political point of
view, suggesting that I am some sort
of pinko or commie radical who is
interested in the violent overhtorow of
EL Ha! Let me say it isn't the issue
of law and order or public safety that
concerns me. It is how over-control
leads to sex problems later In life.
More unhappiness is caused by the
difficulties we are beginning to see in
therapist's offices than all the parties
and Cedarfests combined.
Not only that, over-control creates
more problems for us in the future.
We are seeing only· the tip of the
ieberg now in the form of date or
acquaintance rapes in college-age
people and criminal sexual conduct in
the older generation. If we begin
removing children from their families
as part of the state's protective.
services, where are these children to
go? And will we see a future that has
no intact families? I am concerned
right now and I hope other thinking
people are too. Increasing pressures
for: control only increase the probability
that behavior will break out of
Sex and parties cannot be·
stopped any more than human nature
can be dammed up Pressure continues
to build behind the dam and the
longer we wait to draw it down, the.
more explosive it is when it finally
breaks through. And it will break
EL,. being what it is, police and
politicians will point their fingers at the
. "guilty" parties rather than coming
forward and placing the blame for the
outbreak on repressive policies, which
is where the real cause is.
Q) I know I am one of your older
readers, but sometimes my husband
has a problem having an erection. It
really doesn't matter to me because
we wind uo holding each other and I
like that almost more than Intercourse.
But he doesn't believe me. We fight
about my "failure" to turn him on and I
am afraid he will turn to a really
beautiful young woman to solve the
problem. What can I do?
A) Thank you for trusting me
enough to write about what is a very
common male problem. I .have
received several letters along this very
same line, but I chose yours because
you combined a lot of issues in one
place. ·
' My opinion 'is you are telling him
the truth but he doesn't want to hear
what you are saying. "Getting it up" is
a common concern for men because
we have been trained in the counting
mentality where more is better rather
than seeking a few high-quality
experiences. My sources tell me that
orgasms from sexual intercourse are
less frequent and often less intense
than those produced by a mechanical
vibrator, masturbation and oral sex, in
that order. Serveral sources revealed
that, like you, there are many times
that being held by someone they love
feels far better than being penetrated.
If you are happy with the experience,
what is really going on with
him? He obviousoy is not concerned
with your pleasure because you are
reporting having a pleasurabe sex act.
Show him this column to reir:iforce the
idea that he is giving you exactly what
you want and to help him formulate
whatever it is he wants from your
relationship. Couples, older or
younger, have to discuss their wants
and desires as the relationship
evolves. It is not a sign of trouble or
incompatibility. If this more open and
. honest discussion does not bring
results, a few sessions with a trained
counselor can help open things up a
Please write back to tell me how
everything works out The intimacy
generated by a deep relationship
brings far greater personal reward
than a superficial, cheap fuck. Good
luck. ·
Q) What is your problem about
being Jewish?
· A) Actually, my problem isn't
about being Jewish. It is about being
a minority individual in a repressive,
hostile culture. The Afro-Americans.
Chicanos, and some women know
exactly what I am talking about. It is
why As One isn't sending letters about
what a racist I am to the editor or
boycotting advertisers.
White students are being afforded
the same racist, sexist treatment as
minorities only you don't seem to
notice because you have been led to
believe you are on top of the power
structure. HA! Let's take two short
examples, only let's change the
names of the group involved to
"protect t~e innocent."
The ELPD calls a me~ting of
liquor store owners to "educate" them
about a problem in the community.
"Hell," they say, "we don't care if
people buy one keg, but if the nigger
wants six or eight kegs, you have to
notify us so we can 'educate' niggers
about what the law is regarding liquor.
Can't have niggers breaking the liquor
laws, can we?" If a store owner
protests that it means losing business,
the cops give him "the look" and ask:
"You aren't a nigger-lover, are you?"
Well, are you?
Second example: You know how
Jews are~ clannish. Give a housing
license to a Jew.and all the other
Jews want to crowd in so they can get
a cheaper rate. The city of EL has a
housing ordinance, a zoning code, to
limit the number of unrelated individuals
who can crowd into a space for
safety and health reasons. But when
inspectors come around to do a spot
check, they are refused entrance until
they come back with a warrant.
Meanwhile, the Jews clean up the
extra mattresses and hide them away,
a lot like Anne Frank.
City inspectors are very frustrated:
"God-damned Jews," they mutter,
"give us a fucking, n0-kriock provision
so we can break in and catch them in
the act:. Knock, knock. Who's there?
Gestapo. What Gestapo GESTAPO
actually stands for Geheim Stadts
Politzi, the State Police, get my drift?
Q) How do you suggest we solve
the Cedarfest problem?
A) I've said it before. Make all
the Cedar Village residents wear
yellow, six-pointed stars to identify
them to the police. The ghetto is the
Provoc promises not to insult tho.se
football idiots again this week - really!
Chuck D., est my diapers/ And
you, foonshly Joyal readers, it's almost
good to see you back again for another
week. After all, where would I be
without you? ,
Probably with nothing lo bitch
So you're here, I'm here, and Jet'•
hear what I've writ here •••
Hear, hear/
It's so nice to see the campus in the
full bloom of spring - birds, trees, flpeople wearing those disgusting spandex
Really, subliminal advertising must
work; why else would anyone shell out top
dollar for some gaudy-looking rag made in
a laboratory?
I see where The State"We're Doing
. Just Fine, Really We Are, Especially With
Our New Independent Tax Increase About
To Kick In" News is looking for 20 new
bodies to begin work in either summer or
Only thing they don't mention is that
you can start as managing editor •.•
Speaking of managing, to all those
who failed to manage.a free minute to
write in about my diaper rash, I just wanted
to let you know that it has almost healed,
and that the diapers believed to have
caused the awful backdoor blemishes are
now being used as hand towels at the Administration
How was your Maternal day?
My was OK, but I kept getting dead
Seems word got out I was the biggest
What's the deal with this blind Pig
crackdown anyway?
H the cops want to steal our beer, why
don1 they just say so? Sheeshl
16 May: Sangster Fun with Pickle Brown Betty
23: Enemy Squad with Fortunate Sons
IE&~\l l!..mi11DIJil~
19-20 May: Arts Festival
l.F&lill©llilDBc§I 'if'llil®Sltlir®
17 May: Faculty Recital:
Robert Dan: viola
Deborah Moriarty: piano
20: Faculty Recital -
Yong Hi Moon: piano
IF®@\lDw&B ®11&~®
17 May: Korea Night 1990
19: Jazz Spectacular
20: MSU Gospel Chorale in Concert
22: Expression of Fashion Experience
~INl®IJil IP)@®l1
16-20 May: Uptown Band
21 : Blue Avenue Delegates
22 Capitol City Band
23-27: Uptown Band
0CINl0'5)<5 lt\trll ~IJil\1<511
18 May-3 June: the Undergraduate Exhibition
18-19 May: Souvenir
22: Shark's Wave
l!..D~llil\lff&IJil\l&ollDco G11illlta11W
now-May: photographs by Stephen Strom
IMJ&MIJilh "lr•IDlfPb
19&23 May: Romeo et Juliet
IMl~ll!J b\l!llc§ID\l@11Dl!llllll
16 May: Sinead O'Connor
18: The Return of Sinbad and Friends
IMl~ll!J ll!JIJilD®IJil
18 May: Noontimes: School of Music Jazz Muse
20: Cross-cultural Week fashion show
IN.ll!ll~h ®l!llDBc§JDIJil~ b\1!11c§ll!ll®11Dl!llllll
16 May: Premieres of New Music
16 May: The Chisel Bros.
17: The Knaves
18-19 Going Public
21: The Gone
22: Phineas Gage
23: Radio Caroline
!Nlllw@!l'Wdilt 'if'llil®&~
17 May-3 June: The Fantasticks
®11Bwi»11 ®®llOm Si&B®®IJil
now-20 May: Subway
22-27: Dr. Strangelove
Wllimll\l@IJil C.IJil\1@11
16-19: A Chorus Line
20: The Nylons
21 : An Evening with Maya Angelou
22: MSU Chorale State Singers
23: MSU Wind Symphony
16 May: Betty
17: Bruce Sagan and Friends
18: Barry O'Neill
19: Alison Krauss and Union Station
20 Song Sisters' Birthday Party
23: Open Stage
®Dirc§I ®ff IP&llll16-17 May: Ron Brooks Trio
18-19: John &hea Trio
- 20: Clark & Re.ad Jam Session Oazz musicians
21 : 2-5-1 Orchestra
22: Keller & Kocher Quartet
· 23-24: The Ron Brooks Trio
©Bl!ll!ID IXl®Dc§l®B!H11~
18 May: Big Chief with Gone in 60 Seconds
22: Jayhawks with Skunk Opossums
IN.lhllilD~mi 'if'llil®Sl\111'®
16 May: Zvuki Mu
18: Cowboy Junkies
16 May: Bourgeoisie
17: Trip Shakespeare
18: Eddy Clearwater
19: The Huntunes
21: The Attic with Progressive Pit
22: Idyll Roomers
23: The Urbations
"il1ba llltljJ@@llh
19 May Way Moves with Scott Bennet
17 May: Those Who Dream with special guests
18: Scream in' Savage &·the Cavemen with the
Gori es
19: Viv Akauldren with Sublime Wedge Soul Station
. 'if'llil@ IR!lllli2
23 May: Savatage
$ol!ll1JQ ~\l©ib5W
18 May: John Scofiald
19: Ed Clearwater
$11. b\1Jilc§Jl1@'i9J~
18 May: Ernie Isley
19: Fiesty Cadavers
by JONT _
1 O • university Reporter-Intelligencer 1 ~May 1990
There's a
time to laugh,
a time to keep
silent, a time
to mourn ...
and there IS a
time to dance.
Maybe in
Ecclesiastes of
the Old Testament,
but not
in the city of
East Lansing.
"And there are
enough of them
around in the
Greater Lansing
area that take care
of it so I really think
there is enough
dance floor space."
Gary Foltz,
owner of Dooley's
and Sensations,
agrees. _
there are three
places where
MSU's 41 ,500+
students can
go to dance in
East Lansing
-The B'Zar,
Sensations and
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"Yeah, I'd say
there are enough
(dance) facilities in
the East Lansing
area, plus outside
(the immediate)
area," Foltz said.
With reference
to the idea of Club
House, Foltz said:
Rick's American
However, some students believe
that's not enough. The city of East
Lansing, they believe, could use more
in terms of dance entertainment.
But trying to establish a new
dance club in East Lansing is not the
easiest task to accomplish. And
nobody knows that better than the
owners of Too Hot Records - a local,
black-student-run business whose
idea of an alternative, non-alcoholic
dance club was swept off the floor in
March by the East Lansing City
Last November, owne_rs of Too
Hot Records approached the city with
the idea of a non-alcoholic dance club.
The proposed business, called "Club
House,· was to be located behind
Castellani's Market on East Grand
River Avenue.
But on March sixth, council
members unanimously voted to deny
the students a special use permit to
open Club House.
Tony Lee, CEO of Too Hot
Records, believes the council rejected
the Idea of the club for two reasons.
He said the council's vote discriminated
against the clubs' sponsors
because one, they were students.
And two, they were black.
"I felt that there was a mixture of
studentism and racism involved within
the voting procedure,· he said.
But East Lansing Mayor Liz
Schweitzer disagrees.
Schweitzer said the council's vote
had nothing to do with race. Reasons
for denying the special use permit,
she said, included local opposition to
the club, noise, increased traffic flow,
Not all in E.L.
is Footloose
and fancy free
violence and lack of police to patrol
the area.
Police records show that currently,
East Lansing has 55, sworn-in
officers Or) its police force.
Police Chief Thomas Hendricks
agreed with the council's vote, saying
police already have their hands full
with downtown related violence.
According to Hendricks, 60
percent cit the 1,000 assaults reported
last year occurred downtown. He
said the idea of a non-alcoholic club
is good, but the location is bad.
"It was a good decision for now,·
Hendricks said. "And I'm saying that
we do need an alternative. We need
a place for people to gather in a nonalcoholic
"But we don't need it in the
downtown right now where all the
things are going on:
_ But Lee believes that despite the
violence officials believe is plaguing
downtown, Club House could have
brought to East Lansing an alternative
to alcohol-related entertainment. He
said the dance club also could have
provided black students with a new,
social outlet.
With the exception of campus
events, Lee said black students have
restricted social lives because East
Lansing bars do not cater to a black
clientele. Therefore, he said his club
was desperately needed.
"It is needed real badly as many
problems as there is with alcohol and
alcohol-related incidents," Lee said.
"There needs to be an alternative."
But officials of area dance clubs
believe the city does not need any
more dance clubs, saying East
Lansing provides ample dance floor
space for the students.
"I think the market is saturated
enough,· said Laura Wilcock, assistant
manager at The B'Zar. "I mean,
on any given night, there's not really
any lines at Sensations or here, you
know, where they have specifically
dance bars.
"I don't really
want to touch that subject," he said.
"It's too difficult ... They've had too
many problems with the city."
Wilcock believes East Lansing
has more than its share of problems
with vandalism ... and police are
overburdened with the existing
violence in the downtown area. The
Club House, she said, would have just
meant more trouble.
"They had said that they got big,
bulky security guys, a metal detector
and they're gonna frisk people,· ·
Wilcock said. " ... sounded to me like
they were expecting some sort of
trouble so that kind of worried me.·
But Laura Reynolds, manager of
Confection Connections - an icecream
parlor located on the same
block as the proposed dance club -
believes it is unfair to judge a place
before it has had a chance.
'When I was told about it I
thought it was a good idea to have an
alternative club nearby,• Reynolds
said. "And the gentleman who talked
to me about it was very convincing.
"I believe he wanted to do the
right thing."
However, the idea-of Club House
did not rest as well with the City
Council as it did with Reynolds.
The bottom line?: Good idea, bad
But Lee said he does not buy that
excuse. He said city officials are ·
using the "good idea, bad location· _
statement to camouflage their racist

16 May 1990 . • 11
Reviews T
TV. reaches new heights with Twin Peaks
David Lynch . ·
Twin Peaks, ABC cause boyfriend. Then again, it could TV and s.omehow it may also provide tioned is Nadine's si lent drape runners,
along with those mysterious
flashing street lights, the Lamplighter
Inn's cherry pie and those wonderful
Douglas firs. If all this Twin Peaks talk
seems confusing don't worry, ABC will.
re-run the whole series later this
Even if you haven't seen it you've
probably heard about Twin Peaks -
David Lynch's funky hybrid mix of
Payton Place and his cinematic · ·
odyssey, Blue Velvet.
In fact, the star of Blue Velvet,
Kyle Maclachlan, stars as the
compulsive coffee-drinking, donutchomping
FBI agent Cooper. Cooper
is assigned the task of finding the
answer to the burning question - who
killed Laura Palmer, Twin Peak's
homecoming queen turned drug- .
addicted sex slave.
Like Lynch's world of Blue Velvet,
the town of Twin Peaks seems like a
quaint little logging burg in the Pacific
Northwest. However, when·the ·
mutilated, cellophane-wrapped body
of Laura Palmer washes up with the .
morning tide, we realize there is
something evil lurking under the
surface of this innocent looking town.
Lynch pa/nts a dream-like picture
of a Norman Rockwell painting gone
askew. The town of Twin Peaks is
inhabited by some of the most bizarre
people you're ever likely to see on the
boob tube. So finding a murderer in
this neck of the woods is like trying to
find a glass eye in a bowl of marbles.
Practically everyone is a suspect
in Laura Palmer's death.- The murderer
could be Dr. Jacoby, a psychiatrist
who not only sees the world
through rose colored lenses but blue
ones too. It could be Leo Johnson;
the local psychopath. We can't rule
out Bobby, Laura's rebel without a
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BOSE 201 direcUreflecting speakers
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K2 5500 skis w/ SALOMON 747
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be the mysterious log lady and her clues to who killed Laura Palmer.
log. When Twin Peaks debuted, it was
Who knows, but at the rate the one of the highest-rated programs of
show is progressing, the castaways the week. Unfortunately it has been
will be rescued from Gilligan's Island loosing more ground in the ratings
before we find out who the murderer every week since.
is. This usually is the fate of ground-
Only David Lynch and co-writer/ breaking shows that rise above the
producer, Mark Frost, could devise usual excrement the networks shove
an innovative TV show like this. This in our face every week (remember
program boasts some of the greatest Police Squacf?).
production values ever to be found on However, ABC still considers the
TV. show a success and hopefully it will
Twin Peaks features eerie but be renewed for next season.
enthralling music, beautiful cinematog- And hopefully all the networks will
raphy, and weird dialogue that is often continue the.trend of bringing direcfunnier
than most lines on sitcoms. . tors who are on the cutting edge of
Lynch only directed two episodes . film to the s·mall screen.
of Twin Peaks, but since he also Another thing that must be menwears
another hat as the show's
executive producer, he has recruited
Don't miss it - or the log lady's
log will never speak to you.
other innovative directors, like River's
Edge director Tim Hunter, who share
his twisted vision to continue the saga.
In addition to the brilliant but
moody direction, Twin Peaks .also
features a great ensemble cast
featuring Joan Chen, Piper Laurie,
Michael Ontkean, and Russ Tamblin,
just to name a few.
· On the down side though Twin
Peaks main plot seems like it will
never be resolved. Lynch has also
injected several confusing subplots
involving mundane soap opera
themes like adultery to juicier ones
involving a sleazy S&M porno mag
called Flesh World whose pages
feature residents of. Twin Peaks.
Lynch also creates a TV show
within a TV show - it's a soap opera
called Invitation to Love. This is what
the residents of Twin Peaks watch on r---------, I · 50¢ I
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